Bridger #4 Longspring w Offset Jaw

Offset Jaw

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Bridger #4 Double Longspring Offset Jaw - Longspring traps have been grossly overlooked by modern Canadian trappers.  The longspring trap sets stable on the ground and has proven invaluable to beaver trappers in the water and desert trappers in the rock, even northern trappers in the snow. 

The Bridger Longsprings are equipped with a pan and nut assembly to provide proper pan tension to help eliminate sprung traps and poor catches,


  • Inside Jaw Spread: 5 5/8”
  • Outside Jaw Spread (top to bottom): 6”
  • Outside Jaw Spread (lever to lever): 6 3/8”
  • Pan dimensions: 2 ¾” x 2 ¾”      
  • Chain:  9 ½” #2 Chain   (12 total links)
  • Square sliding bracket at baseplate.  1 HD swivel at end of chain
  • Total Chain Length: 12” including swivel.
  • Weight:  2.40 pounds

Bridger #4 Offset Jaw Double Longspring - 6” jaw spread. Strong springs, heavy base, Excellent for beaver, coyote, bobcat, lynx, etc.  Chain is attached with a square sliding bracket on end of longspring. 

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