Caven’s Lures – Gusto Long Distance Call


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Caven’s Lures – Gusto Long Distance Call -  Caven spent more time developing this lure than any other, both skunk plus a sweet odor consisting of a generous dose of castor and muskrat musk, with a couple more “special agents” and put it up in a thick base so it hangs in there a long time. Use “GUSTO” above your set during warm weather and directly at your set when it starts to cool down. Made for fox, coyote, wolf, bobcat, lynx, marten fisher, wolverine… it doesn’t get any better than this.  A Best Seller!

Formulated by Tim Caven, Caven lures have been built up over the past 38 years. Tim Caven has proven himself to be a true player to our wild fur industry, making sizeable catches and building his business up into one of the largest and most respectable trapping supply businesses in the world.  Many decades of experimentation have gone into the development of each and every lure that bears the Caven name.

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